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April brings tech events aplenty

Kara Bembridge avatar

Kara Bembridge
April 20, 2023

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Spring is in bloom in the northern hemisphere, and with it comes an array of events to satisfy technical expertise. First up is PyCon US in Salt Lake City, Utah. It's a special year to attend as it's the conference's 20th anniversary! Taking place from April 19 to 27, our very own Michał Gałka will be celebrating the occasion by giving a talk on April 22. Head to room 355 ABC to celebrate the magic of Python with him!

The next event will interest folks who want to help bolster the planning and development of HDR, VRR and other new GPU and graphics technologies. The Shell & Display Next Hackfest will be in the Czechian city of Brno from April 24 to 26, with Collabora sponsoring the attendee dinner on the first evening. We're happy to be part of such a great event that lets the community gather and further develop such important work.

Lastly, London is calling with Linaro Connect! Happening from April 26 to 28, engineers and tech leaders will gather in the UK hub to discuss all things related to Arm open source software. George Kiagiadakis and Daniel Almeida will give talks to provide a more in-depth look at what's the latest in this ecosystem. Join them to get a better look at PipeWire and VirtIO.

April's calendar may be busy, but it's a great chance to connect and learn. If you're attending one of our talks, or are taking part in the hackfest, please come say hello!

Collabora @ PyCon US

Creating USB gadgets with Python
Presented by Michał Gałka - Saturday, April 22 - 7:45 pm UTC

USB is with us for 26 years. Connecting USB devices to our computers, TVs, phones and many other devices became as natural as breathing. Throughout these years several mechanism have been developed in Linux to facilitate the process of creating USB devices.

In this talk I'd like to take you to the other end of the USB plug and show you how to create your own USB device with Python. I'll take you through the process of turning RaspberryPi Zero into a USB keyboard. I'll show you how to use Python to interact with Linux system internals. We'll find out how to use Python to facilitate and automate the process of device creation and configuration. Finally, I'll present the implementation of the logic of a Linux based USB keyboard-like device in Python.

Collabora @ Linaro Connect

Securing multimedia functionality with PipeWire
Presented by George Kiagiadakis - Thursday, April 27 - 9:50 UTC

Traditionally, multimedia features on Linux devices are built as monolithic applications that have full and exclusive access to the hardware resources they need (ex camera, codecs, …), preventing sharing and securing those resources in more complex use case scenarios.

In this talk, George will shed some light into how PipeWire can be leveraged to implement secure multimedia pipelines, with multiple processing points in isolation from each other sharing the same resources, enabling any modern demanding use case to be implemented easily and safely.

Shaping VirtIO Video into a robust video decoding
Presented by Daniel Almeida - Thursday, April 27 - 10:50 UTC

This talk is a summary of the new developments around VirtIO Video, a protocol for video codec virtualization. We'll explore how VirtIO Video is currently used in production on ChromeOS, the new Rust infrastructure being worked on to support it, and how the entire Rust community stands to benefit.

Most importantly, we'll discuss the future directions of VirtIO Video, as different companies pitch in to shape the protocol into a robust video decoding solution, and the currrent status of the upstreaming effort.

Last, but not least, we'll explore the points raised by the VirtIO upstream community at large, and will also delve into some of the experimental ideas proposed including a potential "V4L2 on VirtIO" solution.

See you there!


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